
Monthly Featured Art

Artworks by Artist: Niewöhner, Clemens

1947 born in Burgsteinfurt (Westphalia)

Today living and working in Syke (near Bremen)

First attempts in oil painting as a twelve-year-old, later drawing and watercolour

1980 Founding member of Kunst in der Provinz

1980 - 1990 Magic storyteller

1982 - 1985 Drummer of the "Middlestreet Jazzmen" (Dixie/Swing)

Since 1993 DigitalART (collages of digital painting, photography, graphics and drawing)

2008 Art prize of the association "Kunst in der Provinz e.V."

Since 2012 member of BBK Worpswede

Since 2009 exhibitions and participation in exhibitions mainly in Northwest Germany, but also in Düsseldorf, Vienna, New York and St. Petersburg

2011 - 2017 Member of the group "15art15"

2019 Founding member of the "Bremer Quadrate"

Represented in numerous groups of social networks


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Showing 1 - 21 of 21 items