May Belfort, originally named May Egan, gained recognition as an Irish singer through her whimsical performances in Parisian nightclubs. Her repertoire featured eccentric songs, accompanied by the constant presence of her black cat, prominently featured in Lautrec's promotional poster. Lautrec employed four distinct lithographic stones and utilized crachis, or spattered ink, to bring to life the seemingly uncomplicated yet striking composition.
This unique 74.5x52cm color lithograph by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec titled "May Belfort" was exhibited at the Musée Jacquemart-André in Paris in 1958.
Availability date:
May Belfort, originally named May Egan, gained recognition as an Irish singer through her whimsical performances in Parisian nightclubs. Her repertoire featured eccentric songs, accompanied by the constant presence of her black cat, prominently featured in Lautrec's promotional poster. Lautrec employed four distinct lithographic stones and utilized crachis, or spattered ink, to bring to life the seemingly uncomplicated yet striking composition.
This unique 74.5x52cm color lithograph by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec titled "May Belfort" was exhibited at the Musée Jacquemart-André in Paris in 1958.
Product Type: | Miscellaneous |
Technique: | Color Lithography |
Year: | 20th Century |
Country of Origin: | France |
Topic: | Mary Belfort (Irish singer, 1872–1929) and her black cat |
Style: | Post-Impressionist |
Total Size: | 74,5x 52cm |
Primary Color: | Red |
Secondary Color: | Black/White, Beige and Red |
Comments: | Musée Jacquemart - Andre - Paris, 1958 |